Interior and Exterior Signage Analysis, Master Plan, and Design
Cherry Hospital and Broughton Hospital are operated by the State of North Carolina, Department of Health and Human Services. As a part of design services, Apple Designs produced a wayfinding analysis for both the interior and exterior prior to the development of the construction documents. Apple Designs has always taken a delicate, practical view and approach to thematic design and the creation of relationships between distance, space, and the design. These relationships should be clear, intuitive, distinct and have a range to be built upon in the event a site or facility expands. We developed options which illustrate how these thematic relationships may work for the purposes of wayfinding. Primary, secondary, and tertiary decision points, major destinations, and circulating flow were all included in the wayfinding analysis. The analysis ensured the client, architect, and all design team members completely understood how the building would function and how patients, staff, and visitors arrive, enter, find their way within the building, and exit.